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Albert Lee
Principal Investigator

Jae Sung Lee
Postdoc (Research Specialist II)

Shinsuke Tanaka
Postdoc (Research Specialist II)

Chongxi Lai
Postdoc (Research Specialist II)

Brian Lustig

Lucas Wang
Research Assistant

Rifqi Affan
Lab Alumni
Doyun Lee (former postdoc, now principal investigator at Center for Cognition and Sociality, IBS, Korea)
Jeremy Cohen (former postdoc, now research scientist at UNC)
Hua-Peng Liaw (former technician, now postdoc at IMEC Netherlands)
Bei-Jung Lin (former postdoc, now assistant professor at Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan)
Dylan Rich (former PhD student, now postdoc at Princeton)
Min Ji Kim (former technician)
Claudia Boehm (former postdoc, now assistant professor at Charite Berlin, Germany)
Amy Chuong (former postdoc)
Jesse Jackson (former postdoc, now assistant professor at University of Alberta, Canada)
Dohoung Kim (former postdoc, now assistant professor at POSTECH, Korea)
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